What is suicide?

What is suicide ? 

Our topic is suicide and this has caught out attention by experiencing train delays due to suicide and bullying. These are some common incidents seen in Japanese news and mostly normalized.

According to the cambridge dictionary it is defined as 「 The action or an act of deliberately killing yourself 」 (Cambridge Dictionary | 英語辞典, 訳 & 類義語, 2023)

What would you imagine if you heard the word suicide ?  Perhaps it's criticism, death, depression, teenagers, school, social media, career, prevention ... All people will have different images regardless  positive or negative. 

Focusing on the word “depression”-

Depression is a common mental disorder and around 5% of adults suffer from depression globally. More women are affected by depression than men, ultimately leading to suicide. Depression can be categorized into mild, moderate and severe depression. (World Health Organization: WHO & World Health Organization: WHO, 2023)

Focusing on the word “criticism”

Self-criticism is associated to self-damaging behaviors, such as self-injury and suicide attempts. People with a history of suicidality produced more monetary punishment. On the other hand, People without a suicide attemt history preferred infrequent punishment. People with suicide attempt history focused on negative subjects. Among suicide attempters, criticism may promote self-punishing behaviors. (Suicide Attempters Show a Maladaptive Response to Criticism, n.d.)

Focusing on the word “school”

School can be an incredibly stressful place for children. The causes may be bullying, the burden of their own schoolwork, barriers related to health and disabilities, discrimination, sleep deprivation, and sometimes abuse. In an American Psychological Association survey in 2013, 83% of adolescents reported that school is a source or significant source of stress.

Focusing on the word “career”

Career is an important part of our human life. But at the same time, it is one of the main reasons leading to death.The following factors are considered to increase the risk of occupational suicide. Occupational factors - low employment security, low salaries, job stress, etc.It could also be for having access to lethal means - ability to obtain drugs, access to medical care, etc.It can also be for having access to lethal means - ability to get drugs and guns etc.Other factors that influence the association between occupation and suicide include gender inequality , socioeconomic status, economic circumstances, and social standards.

World Health Organization: WHO & World Health Organization: WHO. (2023). Depressive disorder (depression). www.who.int. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression

Suicide Attempters Show a Maladaptive Response to Criticism. (n.d.). Kenneth Javad Dale Allen. https://scholar.harvard.edu/kennethallen/publications/suicide-attempters-show-maladaptive-response-criticism

Black, T. (2022, August 22). Children’s Risk of Suicide Increases on School Days. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/childrens-risk-of-suicide-increases-on-school-days/

Suicide and Occupation | NIOSH | CDC. (n.d.). https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/stress/suicide.html


  1. Suicide is a deeply sensitive and complex topic that demands our attention and understanding. It is unfortunate that incidents of suicide and bullying have become normalized, as highlighted by train delays in Japan. When we hear the word "suicide," various images and emotions may come to mind, ranging from criticism, death, and depression to teenagers, school, social media, career, and prevention. These associations differ for each individual, reflecting the diverse perspectives surrounding this issue. This is an intriguing topic to research, and I am excited to see how your research will turn out!

  2. When I think about the issue of suicide, it leads me necessarily to think about the problem of social systems. In addition, as mentioned in this post about depression, I have heard that there is a large genetic factor in whether or not one is likely to be depressed. If the environment is not extremely bad, but the individual has the genetic problem, do you think there are any measures that can be taken to prevent his or her suicide? I look forward to your future posts!

  3. I certainly believe that everyone has a different perception of suicide. Some may interpret it positively, but I suspect the majority will interpret it negatively. Despite the fact that it is a difficult subject, I enjoyed how you used your words to make them more neat and easy to understand. I also liked how you concentrated on various words when discussing suicide. It was really understandable, and it offered me a good picture of what suicide is when viewed from a different angle. I also enjoyed how you structured your blog post. I am looking forward to how you will come about in the next post!

  4. I think suicide is a controversial problem and the things we need to stop. I lost my friend I used to work together in club activity. I know the victim who committed to suicide feels very depressed but the people around them also gets depressed when they lost their friends. I do not want to experience this depression anymore.


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