Are there any medical treatment for suicide

Are there any medical treatment for suicide? 

Medical Treatment for suicide prevention varies according to symptoms, but can be broadly divided into two types: counseling and drug treatment.


Antidepressants are the basic treatment for depression. They were developed based on the monoamine hypothesis, which considers a decrease in neurotransmitters (serotonin, noradrenaline, etc.) in the brain to be the cause of depression. However, there are some things that cannot be explained by this hypothesis alone, and the mechanism of depression is not yet clear, but antidepressants have been shown to have certain effects (for details, please refer to "Mechanism of Depression"). Currently, there are three typical antidepressants widely used in Japan: SSRIs, SNRIs, and NaSSAs (noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants), which are called novel antidepressants and are characterized by fewer side effects than the tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants that have long been used to treat depression They are called novel antidepressants.

Benefits of Counseling for Depression

1. being listened to without denial

People suffering from depression often suffer without being able to talk to anyone around them, so it is important to vent their feelings first. Each counseling session is allotted about 50 minutes, and even if you do not know where to begin, the counselor will carefully elicit your feelings through questions and dialogue, so that even if you are feeling frustrated or anxious, you will be able to talk fully.

2. to aim for the essential solution of the problem.

Depression can cause a variety of problems and symptoms, including insomnia. If you make the mistake of choosing which problem to solve first, it will not only take longer to recover, but your symptoms may worsen. Counseling, in which you can talk directly with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other specialist, is an effective way to resolve your problems from their essence, as it allows you to sort out and understand the meaning of what is troubling you from a clinical psychological perspective through dialogue.

Other than these treatment today I will introduce Shinagawa mental clinic as one of the hospital that is providing the treatment for preventing suicide or people who has suicidal thoughts. In many cases, patients have been seen at general mental clinics and started on antidepressants, but the side effects have caused them to exhibit feelings of dreadful thoughts. At Shinagawa Mental Clinic, we use a new treatment method called "Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS)," which does not use drugs. It is free from side effects, and the effects can be felt in a relatively short period of time compared to treatment with antidepressants. Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS) is available for patients aged 12 or older (junior high school students). Please note that the doctor will decide if the patient is eligible for TMS treatment or not.

(n.d.). うつ病のお薬について(薬の種類や副作用の解説) | すまいるナビゲーター | 大塚製薬. うつ病のお薬について(薬の種類や副作用の解説) | すまいるナビゲーター | 大塚製薬.

うつ病にカウンセリングは効果ある? 治療内容と料金、受診方法を解説 - オンラインカウンセリングのcotree(コトリー). (n.d.). うつ病にカウンセリングは効果ある? 治療内容と料金、受診方法を解説 - オンラインカウンセリングのcotree(コトリー).

うつ病と自殺の関係とは~自殺防止のためにできること~|うつ病治療の品川メンタルクリニック. (2019, May 21). 品川メンタルクリニック.


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