Suicide and self-esteem

Suicide and self-esteem are related. 

The Cabinet Office of the Japanese government asked young people in seven countries (Japan, South Korea, the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, and Sweden), "Are you satisfied with yourself?" The results of the survey showed that Japanese youth were the least satisfied with their lives, with only 45% satisfied.

Studies have shown that Japan has the highest number of suicides among 15-24 year olds.

What is causing people to have low self-esteem.  There are four main patterns that are suggested.

Causes of low self-esteem (1) 

Difficulty in self-determination and a tendency to depend on others

One of the causes of low self-esteem is that people are not good at self-determination and tend to depend on others. This is because people with low self-esteem tend to lack self-confidence in themselves and therefore lack confidence and responsibility in the decisions they make. Therefore, if they have few successful experiences of their own decisions, it is difficult for them to develop a sense of self-esteem, and they tend to depend on others to make decisions for them, which leads to a vicious cycle.

Causes of low self-esteem (2) Carrying a complex

When people have a complex, they tend to believe that they are worthless and therefore have low self-esteem. The causes of complexes include one's appearance, educational background, and family environment in which one grew up. As the feeling of "I am worthless" grows, the habit of denying oneself becomes a habit, making it difficult to develop a sense of self-esteem.

Causes of low self-esteem (3) Low sense of self-trust

People with a low sense of self-trust also tend to have low self-esteem. Self-trust, as the term implies, is the feeling that one's own self is on one's own side more than anyone else. In other words, people with a low sense of self-trust tend to have low self-esteem because it is difficult for them to have self-confidence in themselves.

Causes of low self-esteem (4) Trauma in the past.

Experiences of abuse or bullying in the past can also cause low self-esteem. Strongly memorable experiences, such as failures or embarrassing experiences in public, can also lead to trauma. This is because deeply traumatic experiences can cause flashbacks in our memories, and every time we remember our past failures, we lose self-confidence in ourselves. This feeling of "I am not valued" or "I am not a good person" lowers one's self-esteem.

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