Why does bullying happen ?
Since bullying is one of the largest cause that lead kids and teen to suicide, we will look close in bullying.
Why does bullying happen in schools ?
What are the reasons for children who bully, and what are the causes?
Children bully other children because they are frustrated, angry, or threatened by the other child's behavior. They attack in reaction or retaliation. Children who bully tend to claim that the other child is at fault, that they are doing what they are doing because the other child is wrong. In some cases, this may be the only common emotion in the group.
Why do children get bullied, and what are the causes?
Children who are bullied exhibit certain characteristics. They may have poor interpersonal skills, lack tolerance for frustration, or lack compassion. In some cases, good grades or cute looks can also cause jealousy and lead to bullying. Furthermore, quiet or introverted children are also more likely to be targets of aggression.
Bullying is not a simple two-tiered structure of "students who bully" and "students who are bullied.
There are four layers: the "spectators" are students who do not directly touch the bully but watch the bullying in a flirtatious or amused manner, and the "bystanders" are students who turn a blind eye because they do not want to get involved or become the next target. When a spectator positively affirms the bullying, the bullying student will further accelerate the bullying because the bullying behavior has been acknowledged by the spectator. Bystanders also implicitly endorse the bullying, so the bullying student loses the opportunity to see it as wrong and continues and encourages it. The likelihood of informing teachers and parents is also reduced, which can delay the detection of bullying. In recent years, cyberbullying on social networking sites has been on the rise, and the anonymity of these sites makes it easy to slander and defame others, creating victims and perpetrators alike.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), bullying tends to occur mainly in "environments that are stressful for children. A stressful and frustrating environment can make children aggressive, and children who are not very patient or who want to be accepted by others will turn to others as an outlet for their frustration and stress. This is the driving force behind bullying: self-protection through taking it out on others and anger, maintaining self-esteem by putting others down, and the desire for attention.
Bullying can also be caused by the school. For example, teachers' lack of awareness of bullying, insufficient interaction between teachers and children, and strong lifestyle guidance and administrative clampdowns can easily lead to a tendency to exclude those who are different as a group.
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いじめの原因にはどのようなものがある? | gooddoマガジン|寄付・社会課題・SDGsに特化した情報メディア. (n.d.). Gooddoマガジン|社会課題やSDGsに特化した情報メディア. https://gooddo.jp/magazine/education/bullying/11802/
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