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What kind of Suicide Hotlines is there in Japan?

What kind of Suicide Hotlines  services and  supports  are being provided  is there in Japan?, and what improvements can be made to enhance their impact?  There are several websites and  organisation,  yet I will pick up ” まもろうよ こころ ” managed from  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Are you worried about being alone? If you want to talk on the phone ー  You can choose according to the situation, age, and time when you can call the person who is having trouble. #いのちSOS、 よりそいホットライン、 いのちの電話、 こころの健康相談統一ダイヤル is available. For kids チャイルドライン、 こどものSOSの相談窓口そうだんまどぐち (文部科学省)、 子どもの人権110番(法務省)is some options. If you want to talk on SNS ー  For those who find it difficult to consult over the phone, there is a consultation desk via LINE or online chat. If you are using a smartphone or tablet, p lease open the link below or scan the QR code. 特定非営利活動法人 自殺対策支援センターライフリンク 特定非営利活動法人 東京メンタルヘルス・スクエア 特定非営利活動法人 あなたのいばしょ etc ... There are lot of option that yo...

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